Sunday, March 20, 2011

Thought-Theatre: Key Discoveries

It was a sunny Saturday or Sunday, and me and my brother went to the turn-off of Huntingfield to I believe sell either apples or oranges to by passers. From what I remember, it was mum's idea for us to go to the turn-off. We only sold to one person that I remember, and I'm almost certain she was female, in her 30s/40s, and was driving a silver car.

While my brother stood there with the fruit in the bag and a terribly made sign, I was fumbling around in long grass, because I'm adventurous like that. I remember, in the long grass, finding about seven or eight different coloured keys. There was metallic blue, yellow, green, red, purple, and some others I think. I think they were all the same cut, but I had no idea what they unlocked.

I decided to take them home and keep them in an old ground coffee jar. I'm not sure if I still have them, but I can't remember ever getting rid of them.

Best attempt to sell fruit and failed but ended up finding someone else's keys ever!

Thought-Theatre: Ethnic Endangerment

Back in year one me and my brother had to catch the bus to and from school. There was this kid on the bus who was some sort of ethnicity (I think - well, he had olive coloured skin and black hair, so he could be anything), and he was my brother's age, but he went to a different school.

One day on the bus ride home, that kid and my brother were arguing for some reason, or he was just teasing my brother and whatnot. The details are unimportant. When we got off the bus, they continued to yell at each other, and then that kid through something at my brother - it was either a rock or something wrapped in foil, because I remember it being slightly shiny. It hit him in the head (the eye, as I recall), and he fell to the ground. Everyone then swarmed him, and then I remember yelling "You fucking idiot!".

I then went home; and either I ran home to tell mum or I just walked home in the hope that he would be okay and disregarded it. In the end, I remember it being about 15 minutes later when I saw Matt walking home safe.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ready, Aim, Fire

I hate not knowing what to do when all you have is hope. The hardest obstacle to overcome is friendship. I understand that song now - that "Love is a Battlefield" one - because one wrong step and you have limbs flying everywhere.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Thought-Theatre: Professor Pepper

Haven't done one of these in a while, but just listening to Lugia's Song made me think of one, so I thought I'd do it while it was fresh in my memory.

I remember mum and I were walking in Hobart one time (for my personal documentation, it was near the entrance to the carpark for the Cat and Fiddle Arcade), and there was a shop entirely dedicated (I think) to Dr Pepper. I remember asking mum what it was and she told me it was a disgusting drink and that I should never buy it - well, she didn't actually tell me to never buy it but I could tell that's what she was implying.

Also, I'm not sure it was the same day, but we went inside the Cat and Fiddle Arcade and she bought me a pack of Pokemon Team Rocket cards (my first one ever, actually), and I remember walking past a little shop called "The Nut King" or something like that, and the only card I remember getting from the pack of 11 was Imposter Professor Oak.

I actually ended up trying Dr Pepper while I was in Japan and it wasn't that bad. It wasn't fantastic, but it was drinkable. Just tastes like coke and pepper put together.

P.S. Happy 17th birthday, Jake!!! :D

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Thought-Theatre: What Big Yellow Ones?

For some reason I just started opening up my blog and the New Post page without anything in mind, so I'll just reminisce about this tiny, unimportant memory.

Jumanji used to be one of my favourite movies as a kid, and I remember one time I went outside into my front garden on a grey, cold day and started squeezing those little pink flowers that open up (ages ago I was told they were "snap dragons" - whether or not that's what they are actually called I don't know), pretending they were small versions of that big yellow pod-flower-thingy on Jumanji.

Speaking of Jumanji, there was this one time where I was in the middle of watching Jumanji, I got up and went outside wearing either my Batman cape or a bandanna safety pinned to my shirt; my Thomas the Tank Engine gumboots; and a cap (maybe my Pokemon one) backwards, while holding a toy machine gun, pretending to be Van Pelt (the hunter) from Jumanji. I walked until the turnoff into the section of Huntingfield we lived in until a woman (who I remember having short, dark hair, probably in her 30s or 40s) picked me up and took me home because she thought I would get lost or because I was running away or something.

Oh, how awesome I was.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Thought-Theatre: Bye-Bye, Raichu

Another story about having a Raichu taken away from me, yet again at vacation care. Only this time it was a plush toy. It must have been a year after my figurine was taken, and as you guessed I didn't learn my lesson.

There used to be these twins that went to vacation care, and they were actually really awesome guys to hang around with. I remember that I thought one of them looked like that guy from the band Five. I only actually remember one time I hang out with of them, and that was the nice one, and we were playing Foosball in the games room.

Anyway, one of them (who I now refer to as the mean one), asked me if he could borrow my Raichu plush overnight. Like with the last guy, I hesitated before agreeing. He took it home that night, and came back the next day and I asked for it, and he said he left it at home. He did this about three times, and I think eventually those twins stopped going to vacation care (school may have started again or something).

A few months passed, and then vacation care went on a picnic in the park I remember clearly, yet don't remember where it was. I found him, and I started talking to him. I eventually asked "So, how's my Raichu going?" (because I used to believe stuffed toys had feelings), and he said "I traded it for a bunch of Pokemon cards." - my heart shattered into pieces at that moment.

To this day, I have never actually owned another Raichu toy.

Thought-Theatre: Rai Would You Do That?

Usually when I went to vacation care I would take a little Pokemon zip-up pouch full of Pokemon figurines. I remember once for a late Christmas present I got a 3-pack of Pokemon figures, and one of them was a Raichu. I took that to vacation care one time, and a red-headed kid (forget his name) asked if he could borrow it. Being the nice kid I was, I said yes; although I think I did hesitate a bit before agreeing.

It was about half an hour before I saw him again, and when I asked him for my Raichu back, he said he didn't have it. I'm not sure what my exact response was, but I'm pretty sure I just asked him why he didn't have it. He responded by saying "Oh, well, I was finished with it so I threw it in the bin..." - I think I almost cried.

I got my brother, who got the teacher-thingy (they didn't teach us anything, so I don't know what to call them), who then got me, my brother, and that red-headed kid together. I explained what happened and the only thing the teacher said was "Okay, well, next time, don't throw things that aren't yours in the bin [to him], and next time don't lend him anything [to me]", and that's it. To this day I have no idea why I didn't just go out to the bin and get it out.

But don't worry - that's not the only time a Raichu was taken away from me.