I once had this friend (let's call him Hayden, because that was his name) and he was pretty well-off. He had pretty much everything a 7 year old boy could want: every toy known to man, a huge house with a pool and spa, rich parents, and a grandma who cooked the most delicious things.
I remember one time I went to his house and I told him of a "boy who came around to people's houses and stole your stuff". He of course believed me, and I convinced him to put the things I wanted in my bag, then by the next morning I would pretend I forgot about them. One clear item I remember was a stuffed Charizard toy. One time, I managed to get a hold of his Pokedex (the real toy that worked and everything) and take it home. His dad took me home and I brought it out and showed mum and said "Mum, look what Hayden gave me!" knowing it was an outright lie because I knew I stole it. She said "Are you sure he gave it to you and not just lent it to you?" I replied with a greedy "Yep!", and she then said "I think we should give it back to him". I then had to give it back to his dad who took it home. I was Pokedex-less.
But it's not the first time (well, actually it might have been, but many other times followed). I remember going downstairs to his room once because I "needed to check my bag", but actually just stuffed a bunch of his Pokemon cards in my bag. I also took some of those 3D Pokemon Stadium cards you used to get in chip packets; it was the yellow-rimmed Meowth card (the rarest of them all). I don't know what happened to it though, but I know I successfully got it home.
And that's the story of me stealing my friend's stuff. Don't worry current friends, I never stole anything else from any of my friends.