I was 7 once. There was a blonde girl that caught my bus sometimes; and I guess you could say I had a bit of a crush on her. I think her name was Sophie, but it could have been Sarah or something completely different. But as far as this blog post goes, she'll be known as Sophie. She was about my age, or maybe a year or so older.
I don't know exactly what attracted me to her - probably just the random infactuation any seven year old gets. One day, and I don't even know how it happened, she started talking to me. It ended up leading to her inviting me over to her house. I was there for about 5 or 10 minutes, before I bailed because she was getting yelled at for making herself tomato sauce sandwiches so close to dinner time.
It might not have been the same day, but we were out on the road near the ol' park shooting foam bullets (similar to Nerf bullets) at a tree for some reason. I think I had that gun and she had my weird, cheapo laser-sound gun.
And they are my only memories of her, asside from her bleach-blonde hair.
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