I miss the days where nothing mattered. I miss the days where you could eat anything you want and not have anyone tell you that it will kill you. I miss the days where you could say "hello" to anyone, you you would get a friendly hello back. I miss the days where it seemed that no matter what, the sun would always shine in a clear blue sky, and if rain were to fall it would only be to make us happy.
I miss the days where selling out wasn't nearly as important as following your dreams. I miss the days when dad didn't have to slave his ass for hours on end just to put petrol in the car. I miss the days when youth didn't run riot and destroy the world. I miss the days when the simple life was the best life.
I miss the days when what we saw didn't mean as much as what we experienced. I miss the days when no one gave anyone hell for the way they looked or how they acted. I miss the days when it didn't cost us two limbs for sustenance. I miss the days when you were surrounded with a thick, yellow line. I miss the days when we weren't trying to make everything better. I miss the days when the world was something to explore and not something to fear.
I miss the days when my senses were nurtured with pleasantries and not profanity. I miss the days when teenagers weren't obsessed with the online world. I miss the days when we got along like peas and carrots. I miss the days where my mind magnified imagination, and didn't give a hoot about anything real.
But most of all, I miss the days when I was happy. When we were happy. We were all happy... And now I will never experience those days again, because what I have now has taken away and crushed what I used to take for granted. It will never be the same, but no one understands that...
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